Reality, Sheshone

Cereal Killaz


by Ekue /

Cereal Killaz
Reality, Sheshone (Mechanoise)
Moving your feet won’t be a problem with these bass rollers. Perfect percussive layers and great use of atmospheric sounds bring the tunes to life. Pushing the envelope is not an issue as the Cereal Killaz take you through a journey of hard-hitting beats, deep basslines and dreamlike, yet appropriate vocals.

Push Up (Against The Grain)
Hands down one of the most creative and well-produced records of the year. Push Up brings it old school with its funky analog basslines and vocal sound of the early Michael Jackson years. This is a must-have for all the vinyl collectors out there. You will not be disappointed.

Autobots VS
Flesh Eater (Broke)
This science fiction-themed release takes the word ‘dirty’ to another level. Ripping basslines keep the energy at full throttle while creepy vocals and atmospheric pads bring a skin crawling vibe to this sci-fi thriller. There’s nothing pretty about this one. I recommend listening with a full stomach.