Undisputed Truth

Brother Ali


by DJ Philly Phil


A veteran of the underground hip-hop scene, Brother Ali shows why he’s able to hold his own with the best rappers in the industry with his latest effort ‘Undisputed Truth.’ He doesn’t waste time with empty lyrics. Every song has a purpose as Brother Ali delivers his words with intensity and focus.

‘Undisputed Truth’ serves up a variety of hip-hop styles from reggae, up-beat danceable tracks, live instrumentation and handclaps, to a brilliant blend of old-school hip-hop classic samples and vocal hooks. He and album producer Ant slip them by the unsuspecting ear. But to seasoned hip-hop heads, it’s refreshing to hear the blend of old school tracks made new again with clever production true to hip-hop’s foundation -of a steady loop, layers of new sounds and ideas.

Tracks like ‘Whatcha Got’ and ‘Pedigree’ challenge all MCs to step up to prove their skills to his. He doesn’t degrade; Ali just rips the track. ‘Truth Is’ and ‘The Puzzle’ let fans know that his lyrics are steeped in divine guidance expressing seriously that true words aren’t being heard by the masses.

Ali spits on many subjects from the MySpace gangsters, government’s lack of foresight to try a new approach of solving conflicts and explaining why freedom isn’t free. ‘Listen Up’ is a party starter with vocal contribution from rap icon Whipper Whip who hits hard. It brings back memories of partying in the Bronx in ’83.

Rhymesayers has packaged this album very nicely. Ali fans can read and digest his lyrics while absorbing the beats and rhymes. The bonus DVD gives a closer look at the MC that has been around since the early days of Cincinnati’s Scribble Jam. It gives current and new fans a chance to chronicle the history of his career and Brother Ali as a person.

This album is pure, and true to what hip-hop, and good music is all about. His lyrics tell stories, are fun and uplift. The beats will keep heads bouncing from track 1 to 15. Brother Ali and Rhymesayers have hit the mark with this release.
If this album makes it out of the underground, Ali will more than satisfy current fans and gain new ones. The truth will be heard.