Acid Reflex


Guerrilla Funk

by Jonathan Phillips

Published: 9/9/08 —
"Acid Reflex" is an acid-nasty, stinging view on the state of the world in 2008: The War in Iraq, political power struggles, the continuing sad state of America’s police brutality problem, racial injustice and class wars.
PARIS speaks directly to the African-American community on subjects of black-on-black crime, single parents/fatherless homes, education and violence. He also tackles the current election and contemplates the possibility of the first African-American president. He encourages the masses to “Don’t Stop the Movement” and ‘Get Fired Up” about politics, do something for yourself and take responsibility for your actions.

PARIS speaks truth to power when it comes to his lyrics. He “BLAPS” the entertainment industry for the diluting hip-hop-for-the-masses consumption, in turn, ignoring socially conscience rap that would broadcast the positive message that PARIS delivers.

PARIS has independently released over 3.8 million units worldwide. His message is being heard, unfortunately, "Acid Reflex’s" production and beats sound dated. This could limit the number of young new listeners, who desperately need to hear the revolutionary message of unity, self- responsibility, staying drug free, and empowerment of all people.

With the greatest of respect, I’m not suggesting PARIS change his guerilla funk style, but the beats have to be fresh and relevant to make the album resonate for years to come. The beats don’t match the lyrical intensity that PARIS puts down on “Acid Reflex.”

Overall, “Acid Reflex” is a solid release by hip-hop’s revolutionary rhymesayer. George Clinton and Chuck D increase the lyrical intensity, and PARIS doesn’t stand alone with his message.

Longtime fans and new listeners — don’t sleep on this album. It offers something that most albums don’t: solutions. And that’s what will keep "Acid Reflex" relevant and PARIS stand apart from other MCs.

“Acid Reflex” is in stores Oct. 28, 2008.