Bleed For Them


Dekagon Records

by Jonathan Phillips, Stephanie Collier

Published 1.25.08

There’s no place like home for Archetype.

This is an interesting duo that, after releasing their self-produced debut album, “Freehand Formula,” has been gaining much recognition in the hip-hop circuit in their hometown of Lawrence, Kansas.

The August release on Dekagon Records “Bleed For Them,” a blend of not-so-common sounds and a strong lyric delivery by front man I.D., is a refreshing change of pace after all the Southern soul/rap I’ve indulged myself in as of late.

Archetype’s subject matter is to the point and makes you think about your position in life.

This is a powerful yet laid-back sophomore LP release.

With Nezbeat handling production, “Unfolding,” and “How Can It Be,” are great tracks with radio potential.

Archetype’s sound could be the bridge to mainstream audiences, and I’ll wait patiently with the dudes as they make their way to the top.