Cost of Living

Big Quarters

by Jonathan Phillips


Big Quarters (brothers Medium Zach and Brandon Allday of Minneapolis, Minnesota) is an interesting duo who were promoting this disc at Scribble Jam in August.

The “Cost of Living” project is a collection of positive messages and stories of everyday struggle. They also bring out the grim realities of life. The beats and samples are dark with eerie overtones that can’t be ignored. I hope their day-to-day life isn’t as gloomy as the sounds they use on this CD. Then again, it’s like that sometimes.

Big Quarters is wise beyond their years. Spreading wisdom on tracks like “Sign of the Time,” “Land of Opportunity,” and “Song for Brown Babies.”

“How to Kill a Rap Career” laments mistakes made over and over again by many rappers that go about their business the wrong way.

The production is tight but not original. I close my eyes while listening and hear 20 other groups that sound like Big Quarters. They are definitely on the right track but need that signature song or beat to make them stand out above the rest.

Cost of Living is a “Rap CNN Reports” on the state of life in 2007. I think a good follow up would be a set from this talented group that would reflect some solutions.