
LA Riots to play final Juke! party at Clique

They Killed It photo courtesy DJ Empirical

by Stephanie Collier; Jocelyn Dickey

on 06/08/2008

Published 05.29 .08 — Every third Thursday of the month since May 2007, the dancefloor at Clique Lounge in Covington, Kentucky, has been packed with sweaty indie-electro-pop fans dancing their asses off at Juke!.

Now, one year later, as they celebrate the night’s 1-year anniversary extravaganza with LA RIOTS on May 31, a special Saturday date, the time has come for a hiatus of the monthly.

The reason?

“(The Saturday, May 31 event) is not really the last, I’m just taking it away before it can get burned out like a lot of other nights do,” said Tom Williams, promoter of THSDMNKDS

So just what is this monthly event and why it is so special that it deserves an exclamation point in its name?

As Williams explains, “It’s a monthly club night at Clique Lounge that captures the ‘no attitude-good times-party vibes of 1997’ but does so by doing things its own way.”

Past performers include Glamour, Tittsworth, Cogra Kai, DJ Krames, Dave Nada, Paul Devro, Flosstradamus, DJ Benzi, DJ Klever, Roxy Cottontail, Time Machine, Million $ Mano, Hollywood Holt, Cosmo Baker, Dance Party Magic E-6 and Roan.

His inspiration for starting the night came from spending time in Chicago and experiencing firsthand the city’s Juke parties of no set genre, no catered-to crowd and no pretense.

“The Juke! I brought to Cincinnati was solely based on the diversity of the DJs in Chicago and the fact that 98 percent of the cats in this city had no clue what was going on just five hours away in Chicago, NYC and Atlanta,” said Williams. “And I wanted to bring that to my city even if no one was ready for it.”

But Williams has proved Cincy was ready for it, but in order for the energy to stay fresh, he’s now put his effort into another project.

OH! SH!T is his newest planned night with Cool Kids, Kid Sister, Girl Talk and Chrome on the bill this summer.

And if exclamation points are any testament to popularity, Cincy better get ready.

Clique is located at 6-8 West Pike Street, Covington, KY. Visit www.clique-lounge.com for directions.